Monday, May 11, 2015

Reponse to _Monty Python and the Holy Grail_ Movie

       After watching the last half of the movie because I was absent when the first half was played last Friday, I can say that this movie was an extremely odd, but in a good way. I caught on to the fact that that King Arthur was obviously on a quest for the "Holy Grail" and every direction they turned, there was yet another silly highly exagerrated obstacle in their way. For instance, at one point in their path to the castle stood a bunny. One would think the bunny would be absolutely harmless and easy to get through, but it turned out to be a rabid and violent murderer of a bunny killing several of the men as they approached it. I found there was a lot of irony and jokes like this throughout what I watched that obviously culminated together into one hell of a parody of King Arthur and life during that time period. I also found the Bridge of Death scene to be pretty hilarious even though I anticapated that travelling across the bridge would not be as easy as Sir Lancelot made it seem. I noticed they used the technique of repetetion in order to make the scene even funnier, utilizing the same first two question and switching up the third. The only thing I did not expect that literally made me laugh out loud was when the bridge-keeper was unable to answer a complicated question in return and was removed and thrown to death. It's always funny when you realize as an audience member that the characters you think are safe from harm are not really safe at all. I noticed that basically all the main characters die in the end, which was extremely abrupt that I didn't even realize it was the end at first. I think it was clever and sneaky of the movie makers to produce an ending so bizarre as this. Overall, I can understand why this movie was such a hit with a lot of people, but I don't think I could sit through it again.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I love that last line. The idea that we could still appreciate something that is not our favorite is an important and difficult skill.
